作为海外留学生,我们发现在留学申请的每一个阶段, 寻求过来人的建议能够快速打破信息差, 少走弯路,以及了解真实的海外留学生活.
As overseas students, we've found that seeking advice from those who have gone through each stage of the study abroad application process can quickly bridge information gaps, avoid unnecessary detours, and gain a genuine understanding of life as an international student.
我们希望建立一个平台帮助海外留学群体更方便地联络各个学校的优秀学长学姐, 同时帮助学长姐将自己宝贵经历进行经验变现的机会.
We hope to establish a platform to help the overseas student community more conveniently connect with top students from various schools, while also assisting students in monetizing their valuable experiences.